Monday, December 1, 2008

How was the art of Ancient Rome formed?

For our question we asked, "What art was made and what did Rome use to make them?" We chose this question because we were really interested in Ancient Rome's art. We were also curious about their art because we weren't entirely knowledgable on this subject. We were hoping to learn more from this research for our website.

In our question, we asked what types of materials Romans used to make their paints and art supplies. We predicted before we researched
that the Romans used different types of ground plants mixed with water. We also guessed that the Romans used animal's blood for their red paint. Those were our predictions for what the Roman's used to make their art.

For our research, we wanted as much information as we could. We took out a history book as our first source. This book is called "World History Patterns of Interaction by McDougal Littell." Our second source was a website. We chose and it's Roman art section for it's simplicity and readability and vast quantities of information. For our third source, our "other" we got our information from because it explained many things such as the art of the roman republic and the roman empire.

In the book we found rhat the Romans also used tricks to fool the eye in their painting, like making scenes that looked like you were actually looking outside of a window. The Romans would paint out of natural materials like powdered plants, grass, chalk, soil etc. they also made their own paint brushes with twigs, reeds, and wood. They wrote with ivory or shaped wood. On the website ( we found that Roman Art was influenced by many things. Some of Rome's influences were the countries that they took over, like Africa Greece and Egypt. The Romans would take the form of art from those countries and put them together. On the other website ( we learned that the Romans were also influenced by their emperors. Romans sculpted their leaders. Just as the influences changed, so did the art forms.Romans had many different art forms, and one of the art forms were murals. Many Emperors had murals on the walls of their houses. Another form of art was architecture like the Triumphal Arch of Tibias. They also built bridges and buildings.

For our conclusion, we were surprised to know that we were wrong and right. We were right because we predicted that they used plants for their paints. We were wrong because we predicted that the Romans also used animal blood for their paints, and we were wrong. We figured that that was more of a caveman method of art.

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